Chasing Mandela's Rainbow
- Genre: Documentary, History
- Director: Gary Janks
- Cast: Nelson Mandela
- Country: South Africa
Based on a true story, in which Richmond High School head basketball coach Ken Carter made headlines in 1999 for benching his undefeated team due to...
After an urban Catholic High School football team comes together to win a state championship, tragedy strikes. A star player is killed and two of his...
This fascinating documentary chronicles the intense rivalry between high schools in Southern Indiana to win a prestigious festival performance with...
Gus Van Sant tells the story of a young African American man named Jamal who confronts his talents while living on the streets of the Bronx. He...
"Haturnir" is a documentary film, following Liam Ronen "The CEO" - a high school student who arranged the soccer tournament that eventually succeeded...
This film tells the stormy tale of a group of friends from Boulogne-sur-Mer, a French town hit by the financial crisis. A year between dreams and...
American high school students from the privileged Silicon Valley travel to Manang, Nepal in this documentary about how travel and life experiences...
When she was in high school, Ainun was known as a smart girl and became the target of many male students, including Habibie. In college, Ainun became...
Haley Hoult, a student of Est Harrison High, creates a sarcastic video essay about his school.
Set in the cutthroat, boy-dominated world of high school debate where tomorrow’s leaders are groomed, GIRL TALK tells the timely story of five...
Peer behind the curtain as a cast of neurodivergent teens prepare to come of age and hit the stage in their school’s time-travelling, John...
The fascinating complexity of high school debate gives way to a portrait of the equally complex racial and class bias of American education in Greg...