The Immortal Man: A Peaky Blinders Film
Plot TBA. Set during World War II.
- Genre: Crime, Drama
- Director: Tom Harper
- Cast: Cillian Murphy, Rebecca Ferguson, Barry Keoghan, Tim Roth, Stephen Graham
- Country: United Kingdom
Plot TBA. Set during World War II.
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Great Britain, 1944, during World War II. Relentlessly pursued by several MI5 agents, Henry Faber the Needle, a ruthless German spy in possession of...
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Eccentric 70-year-old widow purchases the Windmill Theatre in London as a post-widowhood hobby. After starting an innovative continuous variety...
A tale of murder, crime and punishment set in the summer of 1949. Ed Crane, a barber in a small California town, is dissatisfied with his life, but...