Waco Texas: apocalipsis
- Genre: Drama, Action, Thriller
- Director: Roberto Salas Blanco
- Cast: Fernando Almada, Arturo Masson, Diana Ferreti, Fernando Sáenz, Manuel Benítez
- Country:
The impressionistic story of a Texas family in the 1950s. The film follows the life journey of the eldest son, Jack, through the innocence of...
The life and struggles of a group of high school seniors living in Waco, Texas.
“You are the heirs of a glorious heritage, and to you has come a responsibility as honorable as it is mighty.” Dr. Samuel King challenged...
Waco, the Big Lie is a 1993 American documentary film directed by Linda Thompson that presents video-based analysis regarding the Waco siege. The...
Alex Jones' second feature documentary. Jones takes a closer look at the 1993 incident with the Branch Davidians in Waco. The documentary presents...
Narcos movie of the year 2006 directed by Jorge Gomez director of Mexican video home
A free adaptation of the novel History of the Eye, by Georges Bataille, Janaina Leite investigates the relationship between theatre and pornography,...
A young alcoholic woman agrees to attend an AA meeting with her partner. When she unexpectedly runs into her estranged mother, she's forced to...
29-year-old Satonaka Takashi (Kudo Kankuro) is a freelancer. He falls in love at first sight with Satoru Nobunaga (Shiho Takano), who was a nurse at...
18-year-old Yeong-seon lives in a residential facility for teenagers. She tries to leave the place and stands on her own two feet, although a social...
Adaptation of the 1925 novel by F. Scott Fitzgerald for "Playhouse 90." A Midwesterner becomes fascinated with his wealthy neighbor, who obsesses...