The Christmas Film
An animated holiday film from Sweden, based on a song composed by Anders F. Rönnblom.
An animated holiday film from Sweden, based on a song composed by Anders F. Rönnblom.
Borrowing a beloved song from his own 1984 feature Sister Stella L., Mike De Leon made this video in a damning response to the victory election of...
Hardrock, Coco and Joe is a short stop motion animated cartoon based on a song written by Stuart Hamblen. It is about three of Santa Claus' helpers...
The world of 10-year old Nina has been in turmoil since her father lost his job. Despite weeks of strike, his factory closed down. The manager had...
The fifth film in the Shrek franchise. Plot TBA.
Set in Han Imperial China, the plot follows the adventures of enslaved girl Ping with ancient dragon Long Danzi. Dragons had been banished from the...
“Kalikangiaroi” (also called Skalapountari) are Cypriot fantasy creatures. Mischievous, funny-looking, thin, hunchbacked creatures,...
!Oye Esteban! collects 18 music videos from the King of Manchester Mope, Morrissey. The former singing star of the Smiths is featured prominently in...
This is the story of a poor fisherman, who was looking for and wanted happiness. A quiet family life, filled with the love and care of a woman, was...
A boy falls into his prehistoric book and falls in love with a cave girl.
During the holiday season, when the animals of the Central Park Zoo are preparing for Christmas, Private, the youngest of the penguins notices that...
Eleven sexy music videos you could never see on television complete and uncensored for the first time.
During a post-Christmas play date, the gang find themselves in uncharted territory when the coolest set of action figures ever turn out to be...