During an ongoing devastating war, a disabled young orphan tries to put an end to his pain. All of a sudden, paranormal activity shakes the world he lives in.
During an ongoing devastating war, a disabled young orphan tries to put an end to his pain. All of a sudden, paranormal activity shakes the world he lives in.
Adapted from the video game series of the same name, NiNoKuni follows high school peers Yuu and Haru who must travel between two separate yet...
Animator Mathieu Labaye's tribute to his father, who suffered from multiple sclerosis and was confined to a wheelchair.
The story revolves around high school boy Ayumu Tamari, who has an illness that makes him start to turn to stone when he's stressed. Since he...
With dreams of diving abroad, Tsuneo gets a job assisting Josee, an artist whose imagination takes her far beyond her wheelchair. But when the tide...
"Daisy's Final Goodbye" is an evocative animated tale based on a true story. It chronicles the heart-wrenching journey of Steven, a PTSD-afflicted...
This is a story of a girl born with a bad leg. Ritsuko longs to go to school and make lots of friends, but this proves as not so easy. Her mother is...
A four armed chef goes about his day.
At a time where there were no alarm-clocks, an old men worked as an awaker. Every day he walked the long way from his house to the village until he...
An animation about a disabled penguin who lives on a rocky island in the southern seas where she feels isolated from the rest of her colony. She is...
We all share the same kind of brain yet everybody has a different view of the world around us. As a very intriguing example, Carlotta vividly...
This flipbook-style animation demonstrates the emotions of people who hear voices