The Woman Who Raised a Bear as Her Son
Animated Canadian film.
- Genre: Animation, Family
- Director: Gerald Tripp
- Cast: Heather Esdon, Christian Tessier, John Koensgen, John Tarzwell
- Country: Canada
Animated Canadian film.
The epic story of the opening of the Canadian West and the drought that brought the Depression in the thirties. This is the saga of a family who left...
This charming animated adventure follows a young polar bear, Lars, as he befriends Robbie, a seal. Together, these two form a friendship that proves...
Arctic Tale is a 2007 documentary film from the National Geographic Society about the life cycle of a walrus and her calf, and a polar bear and her...
It is the story of Macky and Molly, a young, poor couple who work as a restaurant manager and an office secretary. Although they have decent jobs in...
Taqralik Partridge asks what if every language that had been lost to English — every word, every syllable — grew up out of the ground in...
8-year-old Lewis Poppy's refusal to "die of loneliness" propels him on a difficult journey to try to bring his deceased mother back to life.
A new mother’s memories of her own youth prepare her to navigate motherhood in the increasingly challenging world that polar bears face today.
A compilation film released in South Korean theaters. It compiles material from the Cartoon Network TV show "We Bare Bears", specifically shorts from...
A compilation film released in South Korean theaters. It compiles material from the Cartoon Network show "We Bare Bears", specifically episodes...
When an impulsive boy named Kenai is magically transformed into a bear, he must literally walk in another's footsteps until he learns some valuable...
Amy is only 13 years old when her mother is killed. She goes to Canada to live with her father, an eccentric inventor whom she barely knows. Amy is...
An orphan bear cub hooks up with an adult male as they try to dodge human hunters.