The Fifth Column
A TV film made as part of The Buick-Electra Playhouse.
- Genre: TV Movie, Drama
- Director: John Frankenheimer
- Cast: Richard Burton, Maximilian Schell, Sally Ann Howes, Betsy von Furstenberg, Shaike Ophir
- Country: United States
A TV film made as part of The Buick-Electra Playhouse.
Imprisoned during the Spanish Civil War, John "Kit" McKittrick is released when a New York City policeman pulls some strings. Upon returning to...
"The Anarchist's Wife" is the story of Manuela who is left behind when her husband Justo fights for his ideals against Franco's Nationalists during...
In 1940, in the immediate aftermath of the Spanish Civil War, a young girl living on the Castilian plain is haunted after attending a screening of...
A young man accompanies his mother to a nursing home where he meets don Manuel, a World War II veteran.
Hans, a German director, is in Madrid to film a television production about the capital and the Civil War, 50 years after it occurred. Accompanied by...
A group of children evacuated from Spain to Belgium are waiting for the Civil War end which will allow them to go back home.
With the purpose of recalling a youthful adventure, Enrique, a well-placed merchant, decides to travel around Spain in the company of his wife Alicia...
Following the Spanish Civil War, a man goes into hiding to avoid arrest by the victorious Nationalist forces.
Two unmarried women who have become pregnant by accident and are about to give birth meet in a hospital room: Janis, in her late-thirties,...
Gilda Bessé shares her Paris apartment with an Irish schoolteacher, Guy Malyon, and Mia, a refugee from Spain. As the world drifts toward war,...