"LIMINAL" is an animated student short film where we follow a little creature trying to find an end to his monotony, isolation, and loneliness.
- Genre: Animation, Horror
- Director: Daniel Copeland
- Cast:
- Country: United Kingdom
"LIMINAL" is an animated student short film where we follow a little creature trying to find an end to his monotony, isolation, and loneliness.
A flamingo lands on the runway of an aircraft carrier out on the open sea.
On the night of a lunar eclipse a mysterious man finds a way to edit his own memories, by injecting secret fluids located in the brains of the...
Mickey and Thomas, stars on the rise, and their friends and crew find themselves trapped in a deadly game by a killer who has dubbed himself 'The...
After her mother's death, Kim finds solace in wearing her mother's old sweater. However, the sweater begins to itch and even hurt her, but she still...
A photography student spots a mysterious, whistling man across the road who later disappears. Will she find him again? Or will he will find her?
While babysitting her newborn sister, a young astronomer struggles with a dark thought after encountering something eerie in the night sky.
A tragedy strikes the family of widow Svetlana and her two sons, Jan and Maxmilián. The villagers believe that the hated nobles surrounded by...
Inspired by the Edgar Allan Poe story "The Tell-Tale Heart," this is the story of Ed, a middle-aged nervous-laughing insane man who lives in his...
An artist is so consumed with painting a portrait of the women he loves that he doesn't notice she is dying until it's too late. Shot as a silent...
A misunderstood and isolated transgender teenager takes revenge upon his unaccepting parents. A powerful supernatural entity known as the Bug God...
This vibrantly animated feature recounts the biblical epic of the Hebrew prophet Moses and the Ten Commandments. Led by the word of God, Moses...